Welcome to the Global Victors Pvt. Ltd. Associate Policy. This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for individuals who wish to become associates with our esteemed co-commercial company.

1. Eligibility

To become a Global Victors Associate, you must meet the following criteria:

You must be of legal age i.e 18+ in your respective jurisdiction.

You must agree to adhere to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy.

You must possess a genuine interest in co-commerce and a commitment to the Global Victors community's vision for growth and prosperity.

2. Application Process

The process to become a Global Victors Associate is straightforward:

Complete the Associate Application Form provided on our platform.

Familiarize yourself with our co-commerce system and embrace its innovative approach.

3. Role and Responsibilities

As a Global Victors Associate, you are expected to:

Act ethically and with integrity in all your interactions with the Global Victors community and its members.

Promote our products and services in a truthful and accurate manner.

Uphold the reputation of our company by delivering excellent customer service to those you engage with.

4. Benefits

Global Victors Associates gain access to exclusive benefits, including:

Personal discounts on our products, ranging from 5% to 36%, based on your performance and total turnover.

Opportunities for professional and personal growth through the Global Victors community.

5. Termination

We reserve the right to terminate the associate relationship if you violate any terms and conditions outlined in this policy or engage in unethical practices. Termination may result in the loss of associate benefits.

6. Confidentiality

Associates are expected to respect the confidentiality of any proprietary information provided by Global Victors Pvt. Ltd. and its affiliates.

7. Changes to this Associate Policy

We may update this Associate Policy as needed to reflect changes in our associate program. We will notify associates of any significant changes.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about your associate relationship or this policy, please contact us at [Contact Information].

By becoming a Global Victors Associate, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this policy and work towards our shared vision of creating a prosperous and thriving co-commerce community.